Thursday, September 1, 2011

Preoccupied By Party Planning

It amazes me every time just what goes into throwing a party. Even our housewarming party which we did without decorations, a theme or any of the things that usually excite me so much about those kinds of shindigs, it took a lot more prep work than I had anticipated.

...But a birthday party for a one year old? Even a small "informal" gathering... it's gotten a little crazy. I have all these awesome ideas, that sound simple, and seem like they would be cheap. Let me tell you, they are not. They never are. Those DIY decorations that are supposed to save you the big bucks? It's a hoax. Or at least that's how I'm feeling in this moment, as I sit here overwhelmed by all the projects that I of course put on my own to do list. Maybe it's because I have made roughly 4 trips to JoAnn Fabrics this week, and now that we live out in the middle of nowhere that is quite a trip to make just because you ran out of glue sticks for your trusty glue gun... because yes I am indeed glue gun happy.

But then I stop for a minute, take a deep breath and look at my creation, though it may still be in progress, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Excitement. The little girl from my parent's home videos holding the cracked but colorful Easter egg high up in the sky exclaiming "I made dat!!" ...or maybe that was my sister. But either way I share the sentiment entirely.

And there is always the fact that these things can be repurposed and reused year after year. I don't want to give too much away here so that, no matter how silly it may seem, my family will be surprised... because I really still am that little girl. But here is one non-theme related creation I am just about finished with, that I have to say I am pretty darn proud of:

Inspiration Credit: Pinterest

Please excuse the horrible photo quality... phone + bad lighting = that. But you get the idea. I will be using this wreath for many, many birthdays to come. Probably all of them if I'm being honest. Which I am.

Do you buy your party decorations at the local party supply store, get custom stuff made online or DIY. Or maybe a combination of those... maybe none of them. What's your go to party preparation formula / method? I'd love to know that I am not the only crazy one out there! 

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