Sunday, March 13, 2011

Schizophrenic Style: Major Change

   Several posts back I eluded to a major change to come in the near future, and the time has finally come to share my transformation... even though it's still somewhat of a work in progress. I've known I wanted to make some massive changes to my hair for quite a while now but building up the courage to attempt this change via the DIY route took some time, I have died my hair dark colors for years... but bleach? Now that is intimidating!!

   I'm not convinced I love the result, I like it yes, but it was kind of haphazard and I ran out of dye towards the end due to lack of planing/experience on my part leaving the top most portion of my head blond, which I kind of like but it's not what I was going for so I'm still feeling the itch to "finish the job".

Please excuse the Myspace styled photos, my tripod was in the bedroom where the baby had just finally fallen asleep and my wonderful husband is out of town... this was the best effort I could muster at 11:30pm last night. 

   Though my husband likes to joke that I was modeling my hair off of Major Kusanagi (from Ghost in the Shell) I was really going for something more like the examples below for my color; not that Major doesn't have awe inspiring hair, because she does... but that's beside the point.

   I will keep working on it until I am happy with it, but am taking a rest so as not to make my hair fall out in the process... and because I'm lazy and haven't picked up more dye yet. Crazy colored hair has kind of been a dream I've had since high school and I've played around with peek-a-boo panels in varying shades and slightly more dramatic than natural overall colors in darker hues, but I've decided that if I'm ever going to take the leap into the deep end now is the time! I've got to admit it's pretty exciting!

 P.S. This dress... I bought for a third off it's original price c/o Modcloth's Cabin Fever Sale... way more amazing than I even expected! (Tights were a gift and shoes are Iron Fist)

If you could have your hair any color without any consequences (from maintenance to evil stares and everything in between) what would it be?

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