Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Schizophrenic Style: A Girls Best Friend

   For some time now I have been contemplating on whether to include make-up looks as part of my Schizophrenic Style features since I wear it so infrequently and am by no means an expert. In debating back and forth with myself on the issue I finally came to the conclusion that it is in essence no different than any of the topics I write/post on in terms of my level of experience. I am not a fashion designer, stylist or working personal shopper (though that is one area I do have a little bit of background in) yet I post pictures of my outfits on occasion and write out excerpts on why they were particularly noteworthy to me. I am not an expert mother and many of my entries revolve around not only my reflections on the motherhood journey so far, but also my beliefs on parenting and raising children. I am not a musician and on rare occasion I share a video or audio track for your listening pleasure. 

   When it comes down to it, this is a place for all of the things that make up (no pun intended) me.... and, well... I love cosmetics. I love experimenting and learning by trial and error, watching tutorials online, getting tips and tricks from friends. Color is something that has always permeated my life in almost every area. Even during my goth phase back in high school (that truth be told, I miss dearly) I had to sneak in color somewhere. Usually bold, sometimes deep and saturated, and on the rare occasions a pastel or two... very, very rare occasions. It only makes sense that I would love make-up. It is after all, completely about color.

   So for my very first post on make-up I decided to showcase some of my current favorite products and share a few photos of the finished look instead of attempting to create a tutorial, as my methods are far from meticulous or detailed.

   This look was for date night with the huz. As part of his anniversary gift to me last month he gave me a coupon to re-do our first date, which was so fun to redeem. And I've got to say that although it wasn't entirely historically accurate (because theaters are no longer showing Team America World Police thank God), The Muppets movie was fantastic. Puppets are puppets right? Personally speaking, much better date movie anyway!

   Products Used in this Look:
  • Make Up For Ever HD Foundation (115)
  • Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion (original)
  • Sugarpill pressed eyeshadow in Poison Plum from the Burning Heart Pallette
  • Lime Crime magic dust in Medusa
  • Fyrinnae loose shadow in Winter Again (as highlight / inner corner of eyes and dabbed on lips for dimension)
  • Fyrinnae Glow Blush in Seduce
  • Lime Crime lipstick in Chinchilla
  • OCC (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) Lip Tar (clear)
  • Maybelline NY Stiletto liquid liner
  • NYC HD Volume mascara
  • Fyrinnae Fluff (as finishing powder)

   The concealer I used is not worth mentioning, I've had it for years and am not at all happy with it's performance but haven't taken the time to find a good replacement (suggestions??) and though it looked good at the beginning of the night I do not recommend mixing the Lime Crime Lipstick with OCC lip tar, it helped add a bit of shine and worked great for adding the loose shadow, but after a short time the tar sabotaged the opacity of the lipstick (first picture vs. last for comparison sake). Best to keep separate in my opinion... still two of my favorite products on their own.

Any questions about application feel free to ask and I will do my best to explain what worked and didn't work for me.

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