Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Boy's First Room

Well here we are four, maybe five... has it really be five months?? I guess so! ...Five months after moving into our first house, and not a single room is "finished" yet. Honestly this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. While I love decorating, it is not top on my life's priority list right now.

There is one room though that is closer to being done than all the rest. The room that is a symbol of the biggest reason we moved in the first place. My son's room. His very first room. I had been dreaming about what his room would look like even before he was conceived... truth be told LONG before he was conceived. I had folders on my home PC, my work PC, endless emails sent to myself with file after file, picture after picture depicting options, themes, tiny details and basic color schemes for the room my one-day baby would live in. Lots, and lots of pictures!

Funny for a girl who once, angrily, informed her mother that she would never be having kids! She would never bring a child into this world!

She must have been extremely self-deceived, because let me tell you you are reading the blog of a baby-crazed fanatic who is completely obsessed with all things baby related... you know except for dirty diapers, feedings of any kind, and lack of sleep... but that is for another day.

Today is the day that she is finally sharing nursery pictures of her own. Though it's not so much a nursery as a little boy's room. What is the difference anyways?

Right! Pictures! Have a peek:

Owl prints are from Parada Creations 

Bedding, curtains, mini fan, mirror, diaper changing pad cover - Target
Hanging toy cubby - Ikea
Crib - Thrifted (and lovingly stripped and repainted by my mother) 
Bunting - Handmade by my sister
Yarn Monogram "B" - Handmade by myself, tutorial soon.

Anything you see that is not notated above was likely a gift or thrifted... feel free to ask if you're curious about something in particular!

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