Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Hauntings; A Holiday Recap

Halloween is a big deal round these parts and so, even though it's a week late I could not neglect to post a recap of sorts. Last Sunday we hosted a very small get together at our place so that my sister, who was in town from school could spend some quality costume time with our little monster. Unfortunately trick or treating on a Monday didn't fit so nicely into her college routine... you know since she is goes to school SEVEN HOURS AWAY!! Oh, how I miss her... but that is for another post. We dressed up, drank cider, talked, laughed, snapped a few pictures (of which the below are the only ones I currently have on my computer to share with you) and played Apples to Apples, which always makes for a good time.

This year, I thought I would take advantage of my ability to control my little guys costume and go for a cleaver... I mean clever play on words. I picked up a 50's-ish housewifey dress and shoes at our local Goodwill, my husband fashioned a makeshift meat clever and my mom threw together a sash reading "Mrs. June" at the last moment. For Bastian I dressed him pretty close to his normal attire but his shirt read "Beaver Creek" and his hat had the most adorable little beaver tail and buck teeth on it. I may be biased... or most definitely am, but isn't he just the cutest beaver you have ever seen, ever??

And the two of us together?? Costume perfection if I do say so myself!

The night wound down with some one on one Grandma / Bastian story time and fond wishes for our transitions back into the real world. 

A few hours after everyone left I became violently ill with the husband to follow in suit 5 hours after, and so this recap is coming to you late due to my inability to recollect the fun times without associating them with the not so fun stuff that took place immediately after. But, here we are solidly into the month of November and as per usual I am regressing back into my Halloween spirit wishing that the festivities were not over. 

That however, is what Nightmare Before Christmas exists for, so excuse me while Bastian and I mix holidays for the rest of our day to make up for a week of a not-so-fun-to-be-around mommy!

Happy Halloween-Thanksgiving-ChristmasKickOff!!!

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