All that being said, I am still wanting to do posts about Halloween since I inadvertently took October off from blogging and, thanks to Pinterest and my few shopping trips this passed week to the already decked out stores I am also wanting to start posting Christmasy things. For that matter I have events
lingering around in my mind that I had planned on blogging about but never got to from last holiday season... those may in fact have cycled back around to being timely and appropriate to blog about. Do I have to wait til next October then to write about the festivities I skipped or never got to this year? Bastian's second birthday to show off the decor I painstakingly made for his first? Or are they simply lost in terms of my bloggers topic queue? Is there a protocol here?
What do you think? Do potential posts about events in your life have an expiration date? Would you want to read about things "out-of-season" so to speak? Am I the only one who worries about these things?
I can't help but wonder if it's my own slight case of O.C.D. that is making this non-chronological posting dilemma into an issue at all. Is it a dilemma? I want your thoughts!