For several years now I have been a part of a leadership development organization that is world-class... head and shoulders above the rest. And for that I have been so extremely grateful. But It would be lying to say that I didn't spend a lot of that time just sitting around waiting. Knowing that the world is in the process of changing, not fully preparing for it but knowing just the same that I would be playing a part in it when the time came. I have known that the way we make money in the Western World is shifting drastically and that out of that shift new industries will be formed and that if I just stuck around I could be one of those people who gets out there on my surf board at the right time and ride a massive wave. And though I am sad to say that instead of practicing my surfing skills and spending time in the water I have been sitting on the shore simply keeping my toes wet... I am happy to report that I never packed up my beach bag and towel, I never strapped my board back to the top of my car and drove "home"... and now I am paddling... now the wave is forming beneath me and I may not be the best surfer on the water but it's power can carry me nonetheless.
A lot of lives are going to be changed for the better. I am honored to have the opportunity to be a part of that...