He spent all day Sunday with me doing things that I wanted to do. It was supposed to be our Valentines Day celebration as a couple but in review I realized the only part of the day that wasn't focused entirely on me was our meal... and even so, it was pizza, which is my obsession, not his. So I cut out as many hearts as I could between putting the little one to bed and him getting home...
This is what hes saw as he turned the corner to our unit:
....and as he opened the door...
Meet Dagron... yes his name is Dagron... he is Jason's "pet". Try as I may he remains in this prominent spot on our wall. |
I also spent a good portion of my day yesterday leaving people "notes" (I cheated and did it on facebook, sue me) telling them why I think they are awesome... and I've got to say that it is impossible to be in a bad mood when you spend an hour or more of your day intentionally uplifting other people. I know that this revelation of mine is nothing new, but knowing something and experiencing it's truth first-hand are always exponentially different. I'm pretty hooked on the feeling!
What did you do for Valentines Day?