Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Participation (not) Required

   So here's the deal, I am not one for self-promotion or shameless advertising, and as such I have shied away from contests, giveaways and anything else that could come off as a ploy to boost my number of followers without actually earning them through quality content. But, while I do have a decent number of readers who I've gained slowly over time (that I am truly grateful for), my fear of self-promotion has not seemed to do anything helpful in terms of gaining a lively and interested group of readers... a community. Because, as you see, not many people know that I'm here, since I don't... you know... tell them.

   That being the case, I am going to attempt to be a little more straightfoward and try this whole speaking-what-I-want-into-existence thing... I've heard it really works. So ultimately what I'm looking for is a growing readership of people who are interested in jumping in and discussing a wide variety of topics. I would like for my words to make it out to a wide audience, and hopefully to make a positive impact in doing so. I would be lying if I said that the lack of interaction this whole blogging thing has attained thus far isn't discouraging. I have let it get to me and my motivation to create new content has been wavering for a few months now... so I'm putting this out to you guys, the wonderful, amazing. loyal followers that I do have... what makes you want to keep coming back. What type of self-advertising is appealing to you? What does a blogger do that reminds you that you want to read their content without turning you off by making you feel like they are begging for attention?


   I would love to get your feedback! And while we're on this topic I would like to ask you a vaguely related favor.... I am in a contest that requires some serious self-promotion to win, and since I don't have your feedback yet on the best way to go about asking for participation I will simply share this:

   My Pinterst board was chosen by Victorias Secret model Candice Swanepoel as one of 6 finalists in this contest that runs through August 20th. IF you like my board, I would greatly appreciate you bookmarking the link (click the photo above) and voting once a day between now and then. As some of you know I have recently lost a good deal of weight, and as others may also know, we plan to have more children in the future, this means a lot of body size fluctuations and so my wardrobe is having a very difficult time keeping up. Also, if I win (depending on what is obtained as a result of the grand prize) it may just mean more new Schizophrenic Style posts for you! Win / Win! For the win! So, please take a moment and let me know what you think, vote, share... however you choose to help is greatly appreciated!

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