Monday, September 10, 2012

Brilliant Bastian Turns Two (Part 1: Photobooth Pictures)

   On Saturday Bastian turned two. TWO!! ...TWO whole years old!! (How did that happen??) And on Sunday we celebrated. I refrained from posting anything about the party in advance because I'm just a fan of letting the final product speak for itself (and I love surprising people), and so, since the planning and preparing has been taking up most of my thought time (along with something else I'll be posting about in the near future) not to mention my physical time, I haven't been posting much. But prepare yourself for a slew of birthday related posts, because to be quite honest I went a bit overboard with this party so it's going to require a lot of coverage on the blog to do the event justice. And there's also the waiting for all of the pictures to roll in from family members since I spent the day running around making sure everything was going smoothly.

   While you wait patiently for the real content take a moment to check out our awesome makeshift photobooth pictures! {If your friends with me on Facebook I apologize for the duplicate content.}

   Yes, the husband and I dressed up...we'll take any excuse to wear a costume. In fact I distinctly remember him dressing up as a pirate for Bastian's baby shower! Anyway... the photobooth was a sheet I bought at the thrift store hung up against our garage with a short section of the pennant banner garland I hung up around our backyard fence, my camera and tripod that I already owned and some glitter foam sheets cut by hand and hot glued to 29¢ wooden dowels from Hobby Lobby. All in all it likely totaled about $10 tops (probably less). Completely doable... for the rest? You'll just have to come back soon and see!

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