After those first few days he would sleep in his cradle now and then for short periods of time but he woke up more often and more angry. We were all exhausted due to countless unanticipated feeding problems, and so if he feel asleep in our arms we let him stay there in hopes that we could get at least a little bit of shut eye ourselves. Of course that backfired and soon he wouldn't sleep anywhere but on us (or I should say on me, because Jason was unable to fall asleep with baby on chest). We considered it a huge success when he became willing to sleep on his back on the bed between us! But small improvements aside we hit a breaking point... he passed up his four month marker and was still waking up several times a night, not going to sleep until 11:00 or 12:00 at night, every night, and no longer willing to even attempt sleeping in the cradle (which he had outgrown anyways).
Last week my Dad came over with the crib we had been storing in their garage to trade us out for the cradle. Trying to figure out how we would fit the thing in our one bedroom was somewhat of a nightmare... but to be honest I'm kind of relieved that the change pushed us into getting rid of some furniture we didn't actually need. I love the idea of a minimalist home, but I don't know that I would ever obtain it without extreme coercion. Pressing needs, like, you know, a decent night's sleep, do help (the amount of drop offs we've made at Goodwill in the past 6 months alone likely exceed my lifetime's worth of donations up until that point). Having a kid ultimately makes you reevaluate what is important in your lives (material stuff and otherwise). Right now I'd have to say sleep is currently gunning for the top of the list.
The transition is proving to be difficult, which I had anticipated. Yet another thing to add to the list of "It gets worse before it gets better" challenges.
The crib was purchased at a local thrift store for under $20
it was the same exact one we registered for
only $180 cheaper.
My mother lovingly striped and repainted it this amazing shade of orange... matches his stuffed octopus just perfectly.
It's mighty nice to make your acquaintance.
I'll See you again soon
Same time, same place
Right back here, tomorrow night.