Your name alone was the first indication that I was about to embark on a long term love affair... I have long been smitten with anything and everything Autumn related, particularly those things associated with Halloween and the festivities that surround it. Fallen leaves crunching beneath my feet, a crispness to the air, spooky decor popping up all around, and of course carving Jack-O-Lanterns. I have yet to find something about pumpkins that I do not like, and your association with my all-time favorite gourd-like squash only helped to solidify your standing (get it?) as number one shoe in my arsenal.
You were out of stock when I discovered you but I waited patiently, hoping that someday you would make yourself available to me. It seemed at the time that you were intentionally spurning my advances, however a day soon came when the news I had been awaiting arrived in my inbox. You were ready to make your home with me!
I had been warned many times of the perils of online love; told horror stories of things not turning out to be as they had seemed over the soft glow of a computer screen. We proved them wrong, you and I. You were just as amazing in person (if not more so) when you arrived on my doorstep that winter day. You may have been designed for Fall weather, but you accompanied me to my birthday dinner despite the cold night air. Everyone I introduced you to was impressed as well, and they could tell right away that you were right for me.
You make me feel just as glamorous in my trusty old purple leopard print cardigan... I do when I'm all decked out in my Thanksgiving best:
Your witchy silhouette combined with your vintage button-up feel and warm pumpkin color make you what you are. The way you make me feel when we're together is what makes you the perfect shoes for me.
I love you.
The End.