I can't get it out of my head. Something about the lyrics and the mood of the song is entrancing... and I STILL cannot tell if it makes me feel incredibly better or incredibly worse. But either way it's strangely comforting.
Have a listen for yourself:
After listening to it on repeat for way too long I finally decided to think through why this phrase "you can do better" is so disconcerting to me. Why I can't let it go. Why it is both soothing and painful in the way that hydrogen peroxide works on an open wound (which apparently you're not supposed to do anymore?) I haven't figured it out entirely yet but I did write this the other night as I was trying to fall asleep:
For those who can't read my messy handwritting:
You can do better is quite a dichotomy of a sentence, especially for one so short.
It's a perfectly fine thing to say to someone going through a rough breakup.
In that context it obviously means 'you deserve better'... 'they're not good enough for you'.
But when someone says 'you can do better' to you in regards to just about anything else,
or worse when you say it to yourself
it reverberates a double meaning through your cerebral cortex
and you're left wondering which one is more true.
Am I capable of immeasurably great things
or am I being compared against a standard to which I can never measure up?
Should I feel inspired or ashamed?
What do you think? Has anyone ever told you that you can do better? Did it help or hurt? Encourage or Belittle? Perhaps both... share your thoughts and/or experiences in the comment section below.